Project Prompt:  design a poster that reflects a stance on a social cause. This poster needed to have a clear standpoint, message, slogan and call to action. We were given a list of broad topics to chose from which we then narrowed down to one specific cause. This project gave us a lot of freedom due to its lack of limitations in terms of how we make the poster.
My Poster: I chose issues affecting the elderly for my poster. Specifically lack of company and loneliness as well as the positive affect that company can have on lengthening life and improving health, overall happiness and quality of life. My target audience is middle class young adult to middle aged men and women with grandparents or parents. 
Final Poster
Digital renditions
Final Poster
For my final poster I added onto the original painting digitally to allow for more unity and collaboration between the type and the image. The typeface change also allowed for the message of the poster to stand out more from the image as well as appears more serious than the previous typeface which better fits the message. 
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